Modern Spanish Cinema 
學程  歐洲暨歐盟研究學程  
102 37740 

The course offers an introduction to the history of Modern Spanish cinema, by presenting different genres and traditional movies. The program does not try to be exhaustive, nor has it been organized around one specific criterion. With that in mind, the course is a personal selection of modern Spanish filmmakers which allow to offer a general overview. 

The objectives for this course are:
- Students will learn how to investigate the expressive potential of the formal/ technical aspects of cinema (lighting, camera angle, etc.), which will allow for a more sophisticated study into how meanings, reflections, and emotions are transmitted though film.
- Students will learn how to examine the relationship between cinema and literature, which will provide a better understanding of the reasoning behind the use of these technical elements.
- Students will learn to recognize popular trends and filming techniques in contemporary Spanish films.
- Students will learn to interpret films taking Spain’s social and historical context into consideration
- Students will learn how to apply a critical interpretation of cinematic texts and understand how diverse traditions manifest in them.
- Students will improve Spanish-language oral/writing skills by having to articulate highly-developed arguments and analyses while using technical cinematographic language.
- Contemporary Spanish cinema will allow students to better comprehend the diversity of Spanish society.
- Students will explore the influence of cultural, social, economic, political and aesthetic factors on film production and reception. 
The language of instruction will be Spanish. Therefore, in order to follow this course, it is of utmost importance that the participant's level of Spanish comprehension is, at least, B1. In addition, it's strongly recommned be able to read traditional Chinese, because most of movies watched during this course will be in Spanish with Chinese subtitles only. 
Office Hours
-Griñán, F. 2009. Las Estaciones Perdidas Del Cine Mudo En Málaga [The Lost Visions of Malaga’s Early Cinema]. Málaga: Diputación Provincial de Málaga.
- Griñán Doblas, F. 2016. ‘Fotogramas Contra El Tiempo: Los Rodajes Perdidos Del Cine Mudo En Málaga (1895-1931) [Witnesses to a Lost Time: Stills from Lost Early Films of Malaga (1895–1931)].’ PhD diss., University of Malaga.
- Gubern, R. 1993. ‘La Traumática Transición Del Cine Español Del Mudo Al Sonoro [The Transition from Silent to Sound Cinema in Spain].’ In El Paso Del Mudo Al Sonoro En El Cine Español. Actas Del IV Congreso De La a.E.H.C., 12–21. Madrid: Editorial Complutense.
-Letamendi, J., and J. Seguin. 1998. La Cuna Fantasma Del Cine Español [The Ghostly Cradle of Spanish Cinema]. Barcelona: CIMS.
-Letamendi, J., and J. Seguin. 2004. Los Orígenes Del Cine En Cataluña [History of Early Spanish Cinema in Catalonia]. Barcelona: Instituto Catalán de las Industrias Culturales y Filmoteca Vasca.
-Seguin, J. 1998. ‘Alexandre Promio Y Las Películas Españolas De Lumière [Alexander Promio, Lumière Operator in Spain].’ In AA. VV. Actas del VI Congreso de la A.E.H.C. Madrid: Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España.
-Vigar, J., and F. Griñán. 2004. Málaga Cinema: Rodajes Desde El Nacimiento Del Cine Hasta 1960 [Malaga Cinema: Films from the Birth of Cinema to 1960]. Málaga: Festival de Málaga-cine Español. 
The main material used at class will be a handout provided by the instructor. 
Week 1
  José Antonio Bayona’s film overview. The case of “El orfanato” (2007) [Englih title “The Orphanage”; Chinese title “《靈異孤兒院》]. 
Week 2
  Alejándro Amenábar’s film overview. The case of “Mar adentro” (2004) [English title “The Sea Inside”; Chinese title《點燃生命之海》]. 
Week 3
  Pedro’s Almodóvar’s first film overview. The case of “Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios (1988) [English title: “ Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown”; Chinese title: 《瀕臨崩潰邊緣的女人》]. 
Week 4
  Pedro’s Almodóvar’s final film overview. The case of “Julieta (2016) [English title: “Julieta”; Chinese title: 《沉默茱麗葉》]. 
Week 5
  Álex de la Iglesia´s first film overview. The case of “La Comunidad (2000)” [English title: “Common Wealth”; Chinese title: 《謀財管委會》]. 
Week 6
  Álex de la Iglesia’s final film overview. The case of “El cuarto pasajero (2022) [English title: “Four's a Crowd”; Chinese title: 《第四名乘客》]. 
Week 7
  Cesc Gay’s film overview. The case of “Truman” (2015) [English title “Truman”; Chinese title: 《特鲁曼》]. 
Week 8
  Icíar Bollaín’s film overview. The case of “Te doy mis ojos” (2003) [English title “Take My Eyes”; Chinese title: 《盯着你的眼睛》]. 
Week 9
  Isabel Coixet’s film overview. The case of “My life without me” (2003) [Spanish title: “Mi vida sin mí”; Chinese title: 《無我新生活》]. 
Week 10
  Jaume Balagueró`s film overview. The case of “Mientras duermes” (2011) [English title “Sleep tight”; Chinese title 《你快樂,所以我不快樂》] 
Week 11
  Daniel Monzón’s film overview. The case of “Celda 211” [English title: Cell 211; Chinese title: 《奪獄困獸》]. 
Week 12
  Paco Plaza’s film review. The case of “REC” (2007) [English title “REC” ; Chinese title 《錄到鬼》] 
Week 13
  Rodrigo Sorogoyen’s film review. The case of “ El reino” (2018) [English title: “The candidate”; Chinese title 《騙局》. 
Week 14
  Javier Fesser’s film review. The case of “Campeones (2018) [English title: “Champions”, Chinese title: 《篮球冠军》] 
Week 15
  Oriol Paulo’s film review. The case of “El cuerpo (2012) [English title: “The body”; Chinese title 《屍物招領》]. 
Week 16
  Spanish cinema in other peninsular languages: Catalan language. The case of “Estiu 1993 (2017) by Clara Simó [Spanish title: “Verano 1993 (2017); English title: “Summer 1993”; Chinese title:《夏日1993》].